I grew up a preacher’s daughter, a preacher’s granddaughter (twice over) and a preacher’s niece. I love the church, it’s where I was raised. But, in spite of good churches and Godly people surrounding me, I was well into adulthood before I consistently read the Bible . That’s my story, and I’m not alone. 

It wasn’t until I began to read the Bible, apart from opening it during the Sunday sermon and apart from fill-in-the-blank homework in Bible Study Class, that I experienced the depth and power of a thriving relationship with God. Listen, I was bought in. I identified as Christian, I voted for Christian values, I ordered my family as a Christian would, I adopted a Christian world-view…but I didn’t know the book at the center of my world, the Bible. 

Maybe that’s your story. Well, good news…it’s not too late. I’m leading our Prestonwood women through the Bible one book at a time, and you can join us. We alternate between Old Testament and New Testament and study year ‘round. Let’s build our faith by building our comprehension of God’s Word. Afterall, it’s the primary means in which He has chosen to reveal Himself to us. Shouldn’t we read it?